The following competitions will be held during the Show and the winners presented at the official ceremony:
- National Farm Queen
- National Champion Farmer
- National Young Champion Farmer
- Agricultural & Horticultural Exhibits
- Youth in Agriculture Competition
- Rudolph Burke Competition
- Percival Broderick Competition
- National Champion Woman Farmer Competition
- Sir Arthur Farquharson Competition
- Champion Commercial Exhibit Competition (Senator Norman Grant's Trophy)
- National Champion Greenhouse Farmer Competition
Two new competitions are being introduced this year and will follow the protocol of the other competitions:
National Champion Coconut Farmer Competition (Richard Jones Trophy)
National Champion Banana Farmer Competition (Hon. A.A. Bobby Pottinger Trophy)
The NEW and ENHANCED Features will include:
Greenhouse Farmer Competition Showcasing linkages with the tourism and agro-processing sectors
Assimilation exercise on Climate Change and the impact of technology
Allied Associations Corner
Each aspect of the Show will be enhanced in order for it to become more beneficial to our partners, sponsors and exhibitors.